
About Us

In the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrency, where transactions are decentralized and often irreversible, the need for specialized services to address fraud and legal challenges has become increasingly crucial. Spartan Forensics LLC has emerged as a leading company, specializing in crypto chargeback and legal solutions, providing a range of services to protect the interests of individuals and businesses navigating the crypto landscape.

Our Team


Being a hugely successful operator in the scam debt recovery field has led us to have a great many enemies in the criminal world of financial scams. To protect our team, we cannot disclose the names and identities of those who provide invaluable assistance in our effort to get your stolen money and assets back.

Among our team, we have a selection of key personnel who ensure the running of our operation is highly efficient and customer orientated. All our employees at Spartan Forensics LLC have a grounding and experience in the world in which we inhabit, this makes them incredibly effective at their jobs.

From Customer Support to Lawyers & Forensic Accountants, anyone you reach within our company is ideally placed to assist you. Starting with the initial process of gathering the evidence, all the way to confronting the scammers and getting your money back, our team will be on your side every step of the way.